The Youth Protective Factors Study: Effective Supervision and Services Based on Risks, Strengths, and Development

We are excited to share groundbreaking research through The Youth Protective Factors Study, a multistate and multiyear examination of youth’s risk and protective factors. This study aims to provide valuable insights into juvenile justice systems’ services that influence reoffending among youth aged 10-23.

Many jurisdictions use risk assessments to guide key juvenile justice decisions. But little is known about whether youth’s strengths or “protective factors” reduce their risk of reoffending; how these factors can best be assessed; and the resulting implications for case planning, service delivery, and resource allocation.

 As policymakers’ concerns about youth crime and violence grow, it’s critical that juvenile justice systems focus resources on youth who are at the highest risk of seriously reoffending. Likewise, jurisdictions must use resources efficiently to tailor supervision and service strategies to best meet these youth’s needs – and potentially increase their protective factors – in ways that promote long-term public safety.

 The Youth Protective Factors Study seeks to help systems achieve this goal by answering the following key questions:

  • What risk factors best predict reoffending, particularly reoffending for violent and other person offenses, for youth of different ages?
  • Which protective factors (or strengths), if any, are most important for recidivism reduction?
  • What services—risk reduction and/or strengths enhancing—are most effective in reducing general and person reoffending, and how do these vary for youth of different ages? 
First Brief Release: "Youth Reoffending: Prevalence and Predictive Risk Factors in Two States"

The first brief of this study offers key findings on the risk factors most associated with youth reoffending, especially those involving serious offenses. With data from over 32,000 youth across two states, this research guides the improvement of juvenile justice supervision and services. The study is conducted in partnership with the Council of State Governments Justice Center, UMass Chan Medical School, and UC Berkeley’s Risk-Resilience Lab.

Join Our Webinar: October 2, 2024, at 2 PM ET

Explore the initial findings from the Youth Protective Factors Study in our upcoming webinar. Gain insights on how risk factors and protective services can influence reoffending rates among high-risk youth.
