We’re thrilled to share that our work on juvenile fees had been cited in The Imprint’s news article, “DOJ Calls on States to Eliminate Juvenile System Fines and Fees.” The article by Sara Tiano highlights the report released by the U.S. Department of Justice that criticize the punitive financial burdens placed on low-income families of minors involved in the juvenile justice system. These burdens, including fines and fees for court-related services, disproportionately affect Black and Brown families, trapping them in a cycle of poverty and punishment. Our brief on juvenile recidivism that spotlights access to justice echoes these concerns and need for states to eliminate these unjust financial impositions, emphasizing the detrimental impact on youth, families, and communities.
For a deeper dive into these financial burdens and potential reforms, check out The Imprint’s article: DOJ Calls on States to Eliminate Juvenile System Fines and Fees